Competent and professional, the integra biomedical group will provide you with state of the art efficient Class III medical devices.
Quality control and safety control mechanisms that are deemed sufficient for the Class I and Class II medical devices are not enough for the third class. The key difference when it comes to these Class III devices is that along with the general control applied to Class I and the special controls applied to Class II, the Class III medical devices need a pre market approval for them. This is inclusive of a scientific review that is to be comprehensive in nature so as to make it certain the device is safe and effective to use.
Additional measures of safety are to be taken with this class of devices because these are made to support and sustain human life and for the well being of people’s health. They either play a role in saving human beings from impairment and if misused or not used safely can cause injury or illness to human beings.
Integra biomedical Group collaborates with innovators to bring forth excellent quality products that are in accordance with the set standards for quality and safety. Original equipment manufacturers also collaborate with integra biomedical groups for devices that are set for production or for devices that another contract manufacturer is already building. Companies in the medical market recognize Integra Biomedical’s worth and utilize its services to stay at the top of their game.